Top Hotel Management Institutes in India
Among the emerging professional courses that have attracted the youngsters in the latest existence, lodge management is very prominent. And the competition to get a seat in the top 10 lodge management institutes in India is very high. Nevertheless where are these best lodge management institutes that are attracting the talented ones?
In 2007, the Outlook (a weekly magazine) and Cfore (a sell examine practice) have conducted an analysis to rank the top 10 lodge management institute in India.
The measure outcome showed that the best lodge management colleges reach over countless cities in India. To rank the colleges the Outlook - Cfore researchers asked the faculty and professionals to rank the institutes in a ten thrust range against four limitations.
These four limitations that they used were- faculty, academic systems, infrastructure and placements. They then multiplied the median rating by the weightage to rank the top ten hotel management institutes in India.
On this page, we have provided a slope of the top ten hotel management institutes in India. This listing of top hotel management institutes in India is based on the Outlook-Cfore review, 2007.
Though we have tried to get the most accurate information on the top ten hotel management institutes in India, if there is any discrepancy then we will not be shouldering any responsibility. If everybody tends to disagree with the record of the best hotel management colleges in India, gratify do feel boundless to write to us.
Top Hotel Management Institutes in India
Among the emerging professional courses that have attracted the youngsters in the latest existence, lodge management is very prominent. And the competition to get a seat in the top 10 lodge management institutes in India is very high. Nevertheless where are these best lodge management institutes that are attracting the talented ones?
In 2007, the Outlook (a weekly magazine) and Cfore (a sell examine practice) have conducted an analysis to rank the top 10 lodge management institute in India.
The measure outcome showed that the best lodge management colleges reach over countless cities in India. To rank the colleges the Outlook - Cfore researchers asked the faculty and professionals to rank the institutes in a ten thrust range against four limitations.
These four limitations that they used were- faculty, academic systems, infrastructure and placements. They then multiplied the median rating by the weightage to rank the top ten hotel management institutes in India.
On this page, we have provided a slope of the top ten hotel management institutes in India. This listing of top hotel management institutes in India is based on the Outlook-Cfore review, 2007.
Though we have tried to get the most accurate information on the top ten hotel management institutes in India, if there is any discrepancy then we will not be shouldering any responsibility. If everybody tends to disagree with the record of the best hotel management colleges in India, gratify do feel boundless to write to us.
Among the emerging professional courses that have attracted the youngsters in the latest existence, lodge management is very prominent. And the competition to get a seat in the top 10 lodge management institutes in India is very high. Nevertheless where are these best lodge management institutes that are attracting the talented ones?

In 2007, the Outlook (a weekly magazine) and Cfore (a sell examine practice) have conducted an analysis to rank the top 10 lodge management institute in India.
The measure outcome showed that the best lodge management colleges reach over countless cities in India. To rank the colleges the Outlook - Cfore researchers asked the faculty and professionals to rank the institutes in a ten thrust range against four limitations.
These four limitations that they used were- faculty, academic systems, infrastructure and placements. They then multiplied the median rating by the weightage to rank the top ten hotel management institutes in India.
On this page, we have provided a slope of the top ten hotel management institutes in India. This listing of top hotel management institutes in India is based on the Outlook-Cfore review, 2007.
Though we have tried to get the most accurate information on the top ten hotel management institutes in India, if there is any discrepancy then we will not be shouldering any responsibility. If everybody tends to disagree with the record of the best hotel management colleges in India, gratify do feel boundless to write to us.
Top Hotel Management Institutes in India
Among the emerging professional courses that have attracted the youngsters in the latest existence, lodge management is very prominent. And the competition to get a seat in the top 10 lodge management institutes in India is very high. Nevertheless where are these best lodge management institutes that are attracting the talented ones?
In 2007, the Outlook (a weekly magazine) and Cfore (a sell examine practice) have conducted an analysis to rank the top 10 lodge management institute in India.
The measure outcome showed that the best lodge management colleges reach over countless cities in India. To rank the colleges the Outlook - Cfore researchers asked the faculty and professionals to rank the institutes in a ten thrust range against four limitations.
These four limitations that they used were- faculty, academic systems, infrastructure and placements. They then multiplied the median rating by the weightage to rank the top ten hotel management institutes in India.
On this page, we have provided a slope of the top ten hotel management institutes in India. This listing of top hotel management institutes in India is based on the Outlook-Cfore review, 2007.
Though we have tried to get the most accurate information on the top ten hotel management institutes in India, if there is any discrepancy then we will not be shouldering any responsibility. If everybody tends to disagree with the record of the best hotel management colleges in India, gratify do feel boundless to write to us.
Oberoi Centre, Delhi 7, Sham Nath Marg, Delhi-110 054, India.
IHM, Mumbai Veer Sawarkar Marg, Dadar (WR), Mumbai- 400 028
WGSHA. Manipal Valley View, Manipal 576119
IHM, Delhi National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Pusa New Delhi
IHM, Aurangabad Dr Rafiq Zakaria Campus, Rauza Bagh, Aurangabad 431 001, Maharashtra, India
IHM, Bangalore S.J. Polytechnic Campus, Seshadri Road, Bangalore 560 001,India
IHM, Chennai CIT Campus, TTTI - Taramani P.O., Chennai - 600 113,
IHM, Calcutta P-16, Taratola Road, Calcutta - 700 088