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Thursday 21 March 2013

How to Select and Use Memory Cards

From mobile phones to cameras to tablets, memory cards are everywhere. Finding the right card for your needs is crucial if you want to get the most value for money and ensure your data is accessible all the time. Here are some tips to help you select and use memory cards:

CD Games for Kids -
  • Check device compatibility: It's important that you know upfront which memory cards are supported by your device. Although the majority use microSD cards these days, the same is not true for devices more than 3-4 years old. You also need to ensure that your device can handle the memory size of the card.
  • Aim for more: It's hard to predict data needs in advance, so it's always better to go for a bigger card. For instance, if you feel a 2GB card is enough for you at the moment, add a few more to your budget and get an 8 GB card.
  • HCL Tablet PC India -
  • Trust only the best: It's very common to be lured by incredible bargains that seem nothing short of a miracle. Don't fall for them as quality comes at a price, and you should always stick to the best brands to ensure durability.
  • Get help, if needed: If you think something is not going as expected, stop right there and get the help of someone more technically aware to help you install the card. As they say, better safe than sorry.
  • Follow these tips and you can be sure of extracting the most value from your memory card.

    Best Kids Laptop -

Speech Journal

Speech Journal is a nice little iPad app that is ideal for either digital storytelling or Special Ed.  This app allows users to add photos into a nice looking slideshow as well as record their voice to add to each image.  It's a very a simple tool and can be used by any age group.

I recommend checking out Speech Journal by clicking here!!!

For my Pinterest board on Digital Storytelling click here.
For my Edshelf collection on Digital Storytelling click here.

Wednesday 20 March 2013


Lessonwell is an interesting site that I just found out about from Edshelf.  This is a nice simple site that allows educators to create beautiful looking lessons through a very user friendly interface.  All a user has to do is a create an account (free 30 day trial) and then begin adding text, videos, images, etc.  Once  that it can then be shared w/ students via a uniqure URL.

I recommend checking out Lessonwell by clicking here!!

For my Pinterest board on Cool Tools click here.

Comic Books as a Fun and Educational Tool

There's no denying the power exercised by comic books over us. Even years after we have grown past childhood, the stories and lessons derived in the early years continue to influence much of our decision-making. But nostalgia need not be the only reason to promote comic books. Used correctly, these can turn out to be wonderful tools for education as well.

Animated Stories for Children -
Comic books for learning languages

Learning different languages has become increasingly important in today's world. In order to gain mastery over a language, one is advised to begin as early as possible. But given that children often experience difficulty in focusing on studies, a serious problem is encountered. It would appear there is no solution to this, but comic books in different languages present a surprise alternative.

The combination of strong imagery and imaginative storytelling can serve more than anything else to reinforce the learning of new languages. This methodology of learning also makes sure children are introduced to colloquialisms, slangs, etc., and not confined to the textbook style of language acquisition.

Infobell -
Comic books for better results

It's no secret that we learn best when we are having fun. The same principle goes into making comic books an important supplement for children. Be it on science, arts, sports, or important themes like psychology, learning among children becomes much more effective when introduced through comic books. And of course, these provide the best possible recreational break away from school studies.

Chota Bheem with Krishna -

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Soo Meta

Soo Meta is a new site I just found out about from Free Technology 4 Teachers.  This is a nice site for creating video mashups that using a bunch of different digital media such as: YouTube videos, Pinterest /Twitter content, text, audio, and more.  What makes this nice for educators is that a user can create Guided Learning videos and then embed them into a site/blog.

I highly recommend checking out Soo Meta by clicking here!!!

Monday 18 March 2013 is a really fun site for kids that I just found out about from the award winning and innovative educator, Ozge Karaoglu.  This site allows student or teachers to create a animated video/cartoon using different scenes.  All a user has to do is type in their text (up to 200 characters) and watch as the scenes says it for you.  Best of all a finished video can be embedded into a site/blog which is ideal for educators.

I highly recommend checking out by clicking here!!!