Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Comic Books as a Fun and Educational Tool

There's no denying the power exercised by comic books over us. Even years after we have grown past childhood, the stories and lessons derived in the early years continue to influence much of our decision-making. But nostalgia need not be the only reason to promote comic books. Used correctly, these can turn out to be wonderful tools for education as well.

Animated Stories for Children -
Comic books for learning languages

Learning different languages has become increasingly important in today's world. In order to gain mastery over a language, one is advised to begin as early as possible. But given that children often experience difficulty in focusing on studies, a serious problem is encountered. It would appear there is no solution to this, but comic books in different languages present a surprise alternative.

The combination of strong imagery and imaginative storytelling can serve more than anything else to reinforce the learning of new languages. This methodology of learning also makes sure children are introduced to colloquialisms, slangs, etc., and not confined to the textbook style of language acquisition.

Infobell -
Comic books for better results

It's no secret that we learn best when we are having fun. The same principle goes into making comic books an important supplement for children. Be it on science, arts, sports, or important themes like psychology, learning among children becomes much more effective when introduced through comic books. And of course, these provide the best possible recreational break away from school studies.

Chota Bheem with Krishna -