Monday 25 February 2013

Essential Cycling Clothing & Accessories for Men & Women

Occasional cycling does not require any kind of special clothing or apparels. But, if you areplanning to get more serious about the sport, riding for many hours, you need to consider about wearing the proper clothing and accessories to keep you safe and comfortable.

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These clothing are designed to literally stick to your body while normal clothing flaps in the wind causing it to chafe your skin. A cycling jersey is designed todecrease wind resistance and helps increase your efficiency.Normal dress makes a person sweaty, clammy and uncomfortable in hot weather conditions whilecycling jerseysare designed to draw moisture away from the body by exposing it to the outer air.This makes the body dry and comfortable in both hot and cold conditions.

Cycling jerseys also provide many other advantages over normal clothing.The shoulders are supported with a wider cut to allow for extra comfort when the arms are in a forward position for riding. Cycling accessories usually have reflective areas to increase your visibility to motorists.

Cycling Kit Bag -

Cycling shoes are used commonly by both men and women. They are lightweight and stiff-soled shoes which help to clip directly on to the bicycle pedal for comfortable riding experience. Durability and the comfort offered is the major feature of these shoes. The rigid soles and solid connection to the pedals enables a person to transmit morepower directly to the pedaling of the bike giving a faster and smoother ride.

Cycling Gear for Women -